Thursday, May 20, 2010

An Email Letter I received today from Dan Davids of Plug In America

From: Dan Davids
Date: Thu, May 20, 2010 at 11:43 AM
Subject: Help Plug In America turn the tide

Dear Fellow Clean Car Supporter,

I think I speak for all of us when I say that I am outraged at the environmental catastrophe that is occurring right now in the Gulf of Mexico. It is a horrible feeling to watch helplessly as tens of thousands of barrels of oil spew into the ocean each day, threatening species loss, habitat destruction, and economic ruin on an unimaginable scale.

There is likely little to come out of this debacle that's positive, but a silver lining might be that Americans will finally wake up to the folly of continuing our unabated dependence on oil. As you may know, over 40% of oil that Americans use is consumed by cars, trucks and SUVs. If every American car were plug-in electric and charged at night, the Department of Energy reports America would not have to build a single new power plant to fuel them. There would be no need to drill for new oil. Our future fuel is already available.

Plug In America has long promoted the benefits of plug-in electric vehicles for good of the environment, economy, and national security. With the ongoing crisis in the Gulf of Mexico, we see the opportunity to turn the tide of public opinion away from cars powered by dirty oil to those that use cleaner and more efficient electricity. We also see a chance to ensure that the debate over the climate bill in Washington results in provisions that foster the proliferation of plug-ins.

But to continue this vital work we need your help. Strike a blow against big oil by supporting Plug In America's campaign to accelerate America's adoption of plug-in electric vehicles.

Donate today: at

Thank you for your support.


Dan Davids
President, Plug In America

Despite what you may think, I'm not trying to get you to donate to Plug In America. I just think Dan has a great site, and he provides a lot of useful information about the coming dawn of Electric transportation in America and the World. Here is a great link that shows just how many vehicles have recently launched or are about to launch:

What I'm quickly discovering is that this effort is huge ! And it is coming like a freight train, but the odd thing is that barely anyone in America knows about it yet. And the major Media outlets are virtually NOT COVERING IT... YET.

Let'se  examine the several reasons that after decades of supression of the all Electric vehicle, that now, all of a sudden we're are poised at the edge of transportation revolution. Economics. People simply aren't as dumb as the Oil Industry thinks were are. When gas went over the $4 a gallon price, the oil companies sounded their own death dirge. Combined with their very public and therefore very helpful Gulf of Mexico super environmental disaster. If the oil addicts of the world don't get it, after seeing the helpless and incompetent response from BP, then we really are dumb and deserve to die in our own cesspool. But I don't believe we are. I believe America will use this to springboard back to a golden age of economic boom times, and will launch the next phase of our human advancement. I believe the people of the world are already uniting behind this effort on a massive scale. It's simple. Air polluting tranportation to a possibly non-polluting method [if we can increase our electricity generating sources to a majority of non-polluting methods: solar, wind, wave, and hydro-electric]. And we can drive the same number of miles each year for a fraction of the cost.

The large historical autombile manufacturers like GM, Ford, Chrysler, and various foreign manufacturers are coming out with PHEVs [Plugin Hybrid Electric Vehicles] and EVs [Electric Vehicles] as fast as they can, because this will help them meet the new more stringent U.S. Federal Fleet mileage mandates. It's kind of a game of cat and mouse though. The Oil companies are smart. They saw what happened when gas prices went over $4. Americans stopped buying their addiction delivery modes - the large SUV and large truck. These gas wasting vehicles are the main profit generators for the oil companies and were also huge profit generators for the American Auto Industry. However, when people had to spend $80 - $90 [based on a 20 gallon fuel tank] or more, for each fill up, America and the world said "enough". The result was that the "Big Three" automakers of America almost disappeared. So they want to stay in business, and the only way to do that is to make vehciles that get 35+ mpg, or maybe use no gasoline at all. Also, if the oil companies can somehow keep prices at the gas pump below say $3.50, then they can maybe lull the American people into a false sense of security. However, with the economy still on rocky ground at best, and the stock market down 1500 points in the last 2 weeks, things are not looking good for consumer confidence. Even if we can get a couple million people to buy electric vehicles over the next five to ten years, coupled with higher mileage gas or hybrid vehicles, this will only marginally diminish our need for gasoline.

And by all estimates, we may run out or oil complete in the next 15 - 20 years. Certainly the best thing for people to do for themselves is to buy either high mileage hybrids, or buy an all-electric vehicle as soon as they can. As we're just reinventing the power delivery system, and its support infrastructure, and not having to come up with a whole new invention, this should be a fairly fast and seemless transition. The best thing everyone can do right now is think about taking some vehicle like the Wheego Whip for a spin as soon as they can, just to get a feel for the vehicle and it capabilities: at say a dealership like MC Electric Vehicles of Seattle: .

1 comment:

  1. Scott...check this out!!!
